Magical Musings

August: New Moon in Leo: It’s All About You

August: New Moon in Leo: It’s All About You

August’s new moon in Leo is especially exciting for those of who want to show the world who they really are! We should all feel confident to shine our light!  Leos, those born between July 23rd and August 22nd, are known for wanting to keep everyone’s attention by being their true selves. Sometimes showing your true self can be scary, but this new moon will give you the courage to do everything that feels authentic, from dying your hair pink to performing a solo on a stage! While this month has a lot to do with you, it’s important to remember to acknowledge and be enthusiastic when others around you have the spotlight on them. For example, if your friend dyes their hair pink (my favorite color), be sure to celebrate their expression of self!


Intention Setting New Moon Ritual with the Good Witch of Salem

I like to write my new moon intentions in my official Good Witch of Salem hot pink spell book each month. I enjoy looking back through my spell book throughout the year and reflecting on all the magic created during each lunar cycle!

I begin my new moon intentions by writing down all the things I love about myself. Then, I think of all the wonderful things I’m grateful for in my life and what I’m excited about this month. It’s August, in my home town of Salem, Massachusetts. This month I’m grateful for summer sunsets, beach days on the North Shore, and spending time with my friends and family outdoors on hikes and at the pool! The astrological sign of Leo is a fire sign symbolized by a lion. Leos are known to be passionate, confident, loyal and lovers of the spotlight!  


Intention Setting New Moon Ritual with the Good Witch of Salem

I am radiant. I shine like a star beaming in the night sky. 

I use my magical gifts to share my purpose with the world, and I teach others to do the same.

I am brave and proud of the magic I release and the magic I choose to receive. 

Encouraging those around me to share their gifts with the world is my superpower. 

We are all a special light in this big, and beautiful universe. 


Crystals for the New Moon:

We need to spread as much kindness as possible this month to let others know we love them for who they are. My Hot Pink Good Witch of Salem Aura Crystal evokes the power of sharing kindness with others and helping those in need. I use the power of bold hot pink” to help others and to remind myself to be more kind, caring, and thoughtful. We should all try to be more kind this month as we want others to be kind to us as we dance and sing in the spotlight!


Because this month is all about the joy that comes from within us I think it’s important that we always have our bright Topaz Yellow Aura Crystal. Yellow is symbolic of happiness, joy and optimism, and yellow topaz shines bright with sparkles galore! My Topaz Yellow Aura Crystal is used to bring inner happiness for one to explore. August is a time to explore our inner selves, so we should carry out topaz around with us at all times because we never know when we might discover something new about ourselves!



Summer nights are my favorite for staying up and stargazing at the night sky! During this August New Moon in July I’m hanging my Starry Night Dreamcatcher by my bed. Dreams are powerful for working through intentions and processing emotions. In the morning I like to write down my dreams in my Good Witch of Salem Spellbook and reflect on their messages!

Have a magical New Moon in Leo, and remember to always share your magic with the world and with me at @goodwitchofsalem!

Magically Yours,
The Good Witch of Salem

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