Magical Musings

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Magical Moon Dust

Hello and welcome to my home! I'm The Good Witch of Salem. Here is my magical broom! It is the broom I fly on! I can only fly on a magical day when it is a full moon! Most people think I only fly at night, but I can fly during the day as well. Preparing for my broom flight takes a little bit of time and a whole lot of love. 

There are three things I need in order to fly: my magical broom, moon dust, and the magic inside of me! Although I have my magical broom and moon dust always ready, it ultimately depends on my inner magic to fly. That is the magic inside of me. All the things I love. All the things that make me happy. All the things that I believe. These are my superpowers! When I tap into my magic, I can fly anywhere I want to go.

Blog Posts

Meet the Real-Life Good Witch of Salem, Massachusetts

Meet the Real-Life Good Witch of Salem, Massachusetts

Meet the Real-Life Good Witch of Salem, Massachusetts
Ashley Tina Honored as Salem's 2021 "Businessperson of the Year"

Ashley Tina Honored as Salem's 2021 "Businessperson of the Year"

The Salem Chamber of Commerce hosted their annual business awards ceremony on June 30, 2022. The Good Witch of Salem...
  • Fly Though Salem with The Good Witch!

From bewitching boutiques to captivating landmarks, The Good Witch of Salem's Magical Map leads you on a journey filled with laughter, wonder, and togetherness!
  • Follow the magic

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