Magical Musings

October Hunter Moon and Supermoon: Harnessing the Moon's Power!
The Hunter moon takes place in October, directly after the Harvest moon. This is a very special full moon because it will be the largest supermoon of the year! This means the moon is extra close to us, even though it only looks a teensy bit bigger. This moon takes place the month after the autumnal equinox. It represents the preparation for winter. Similar to the harvest moon, this moon will also rise only 30 minutes after sunset, so there will be a lot of extra moonlight! The supermoon will also make the moon look a little bit brighter too!
This full moon will be at its peak on October 17th. This month Salem will be really, really busy! I love meeting all my new friends that will come to Salem, Massachusetts to celebrate Halloween from all over the world! There will be a lot of extra people that will get to experience my magic, and get some moondust sprinkled on top of! This moon is all about preparing for the winter, and once the winter hits in Salem, it gets pretty quiet. So, I love to cherish the time I get during the fall.
Before I take my flight to the moon, I will sprinkle my broom with gold and iridescent moon dust! My iridescent angel moon dust will guide me on my trip to the moon. As I sprinkle the moondust all over Salem, I hope everyone can take a breath and clear their mind. My gold moon dust will help me remember the magic I have within that I can share with all of Salem, which I need when I fly.
I will use my "I Am Radiant" affirmation card this month. The moon will be radiating a lot of extra light this month. I can radiate so much love and joy to all the people that I love. The magic that I have inside of me is visible for everyone to see all the time.

Golden Heart: I will keep my golden heart close to my own heart this month. It holds all my magic and light. It represents being wise, magical and generous. The moon is going to be really generous this month and will show us as much light as possible this month, and so should you!

Angel Crystal: Next, I will use my angel crystal! It represents purity, guidance and light. I use my angel crystal to help clear my mind and make myself open for what I am meant to find. I will harness the extra moonlight and this crystal this month to take time for myself to stop, breathe and guide me.
My Favorite Activity for the Hunter Moon:

One of my favorite things to do anytime of the year is practicing selfcare. This month I will use my Self Care Gift Basket, which will help me conserve my magic and clear my mind.
My Favorite Hat for the Hunter Moon:

This pink witch hat is named after Sarah Good, who was one of the first women accused of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trails of 1692. In October, she comes up often because of how important she was in the Trials. Her story is complex, but shows her magic, strength and light.
So, have a magical Hunter Full Moon, and don't forget to share your sparkles with the world! You can always share your magic with me at @goodwitchofsalem.
Magically Yours, The Good Witch of Salem