Magical Musings

✨ A Magic Day Gift from Above: Celebrating with The Good Witch of Salem

✨ A Magic Day Gift from Above: Celebrating with The Good Witch of Salem

On my magic day, October 9th, I had the pleasure of welcoming Journeys and Jaunts for a magical experience at The Good Witch of Salem. This visit felt like a cherished gift from my late father, who spent his life capturing mine through photography. This time, it was Laurence behind the lens, bringing her family for a magical journey on this special day!

Their daughter, Lizzie, enjoyed a witch transformation, choosing the Bridget Bishop hat, a cape, and a broom. The transformation included makeup, hair extensions, and a heartfelt conversation about inner beauty and self-love. The whole family had a blast at our Potion Bar, mixing ingredients like moon dust and special charms to create their very own potions!

My mission is to empower children with messages of self-growth, self-love, and self-awareness, weaving magic into learning through captivating content. Activities like Golden Heart Magic and Magical Rose Breathing are core elements to my approach to social-emotional learning and well-being for children.

Looking for things to do with kids in Salem? The Good Witch of Salem offers a whimsical store and a variety of special events, such as costume balls, broom decorating, and potion parties. It's a place where children can embrace self-love, magic, and imagination!

Thank you, Journeys and Jaunts, for this special feature! Read the full article here.

Check our events calendar for classes, seasonal events, and drop-in activities! 

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#GoodWitchOfSalem #ThingsToDoWithKidsInSalem #MagicalWitch #SocialEmotionalLearning #SelfLove #WellBeingForChildren #SalemMA