Magical Musings

New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse | Time to Renew
New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse: Time to Renew
Let’s embrace the magic of the solar eclipse coinciding with a new moon in Aries! The new moon always provides us with an opportunity to renew and reset each month. However, the added influence of the solar eclipse magnifies the transformative energy we are about to experience!
As the sun and moon align, our deep-seated emotions will surface, offering us a chance to let go of what no longer serves us and move forward toward abundance. The eclipse's energy will support us in shedding old habits and patterns, paving the way for remarkable personal growth. Give yourself the gift of space and time to recognize the blessings the universe is offering to you. The lunar eclipse invites you to embrace change, and it is up to you to welcome these transformations. It’s time to fly!
Magical Messages About the New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse
Yellow Magic Moondust: Use my Yellow Magic Moondust to bring joy and abundance into your life during the Solar Eclipse. My Yellow Magic Moondust is charged by the sun's rays to bring true joy into your life. When you allow the energy of change to flow through your life, you give yourself the ability to cultivate joy from within your own being. This joy is pure and intentional. Use my Yellow Magic Moondust to set intentions of growth for yourself during the Solar Eclipse. Slowly pour water into your Yellow Magic Moondust vial and then seal it as you recite or write down intentions representing new paths in your life. Peel and stick your intention spell on your Magic Moondust vial. You can create your own or choose one or more from my curated Solar Eclipse Intention Setting list:
- I am change.
- I let go of what no longer serves me.
- I am transformative.
Yellow Aura Quartz Crystal: The Yellow Aura Quartz Crystal represents joy and abundance. It gets its energy and yellow tone from the magic of the sun's rays. During the solar eclipse and the rising of the new moon, charge your crystal by leaving it outside during the eclipse. This crystal will absorb the transformative energy that will guide you toward new beginnings, allowing you the power to let go, release, and renew. Carry your crystal in your pocket as a reminder that change equals growth. New beginnings will allow for positive energy and abundance in your life.
Mini Broom: My Magical Mini Broom is a talisman, or magical symbol, that represents all the places you dream of flying to.. Letting go and releasing of what no longer serves you will create a feeling of lightness in your life, giving you the ability and power to uplift and reach your deepest desires. Place your Magical Mini Broom on your magic altar, or space where you keep all of your special treasures, as a reminder that you are always reaching new destinations in life.
Golden Heart: The Good Witch of Salem Golden Heart Token is a representation of the pure light that lives within you. This light is your magic!. The golden light is a mirror image of the solar energy surrounding you and also lives within you. Did you know that we’re all made of stardust? Carry my Golden Heartin your pocket or tuck it away in a safe place as a reminder of your incredible light!
Solar Glasses: Protect your eyes as you view the Solar Eclipse. The scientific revolution that solar glasses provide gives us the gift to view the eclipse. Your ability to see the magic of the world is a gift! Remember to protect your eyes while experiencing the magic of the sun and moon cycles coming together.
Have a magical Solar Eclipse and remember to share your eclipse magic with me on social @goodwitchofsalem!
Magically Yours,
The Good Witch of Salem