Magical Musings

October New Moon in Libra : Trust the Process

October New Moon in Libra : Trust the Process

The October 2024 New Moon occurs on October 2nd, bringing with it the potent energy of renewal and fresh beginnings. As the moon resets, this is a time to reflect on your inner desires and set new intentions for the coming lunar cycle. With the New Moon occurring in the heart of autumn, it's an ideal moment to embrace the themes of transformation and letting go, as the season naturally encourages us to shed old layers and prepare for the new. This New Moon is a powerful time to plant seeds for future growth, whether through quiet meditation, setting goals, or performing rituals that align with your spiritual practice. As the darkness of the moon mirrors the deep, introspective energy of the season, it invites you to trust in the process of change and to look forward with hope and clarity.

As I welcome my favorite month of the year, I take a moment to breathe in the magic of the season and embrace the abundance of energy that surrounds me during this special time in Salem, MA. October holds a unique place in my heart, especially as it brings my Magic Day—my birthday! It’s a time for deep reflection on the gifts I’ve been given, gifts that allow me to transform perspectives, both for myself and for the little ones I guide through life. I am profoundly grateful for the magic and light within me, and I honor the energy that enables me to share this light with the world.

As I reflect on my life and the lives of those I serve, I write my thoughts of gratitude and inner wisdom into my pink spellbook, taking the time to look back on the year that has passed and to envision the year ahead. This October New Moon offers a powerful opportunity for renewal, inviting me—and all of you—to set intentions that align with the true magic within us. It encourages us to let go of what no longer serves us and to celebrate the transformative power of this season. As we step into this time of year, let us celebrate our lives and the boundless potential for growth and manifestation that lies ahead.


  • Follow the magic

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