Magical Musings

The Harvest Moon: The Start of Fall!
The Harvest Moon: The Start of Fall!
Hi friends! It is almost time for my full moon flight this month. This month, the moon is called the harvest moon. Normally, each month has their own special moon, but the harvest moon isn’t associated with one month, it is the full moon that is the closest to the fall equinox. This means that the days and night last the same amount of time. This represents balance, because the night and day are equal. The moon also rises around the time of sunset, which allows for a little extra light. This moon also represents a time of abundance because it is when the plants have grown all they can and are ready to be harvested.
This harvest moon is also a supermoon! This means that the moon will be a little bigger, brighter, and lower in the sky. There will also be a partial lunar eclipse. The moon will pass through the earth’s shadow and it will look like someone took a bite out of the moon!
This moon will hit its peak on September 17th at 10:34. As I prepare to go on my flight, I will sprinkle my broom with yellow and orange moondust! My yellow moon dust represents joy, we should be grateful and happy about all that the world gives us. We should also be happy with all the effort and hardwork we have done over the past year. My orange moon dust represents creativity. School has began for many people and we need a lot of creativity to do our work and have fun. Soon, the leaves will turn red, orange and yellow, just like the moondust I am using this month!

This month I will be using my “I am abundant” affirmation card. Along with the abundance of crops at this time, there will also be an abundance of light from the moon. We can harness this moonlight to reset ourselves for the rest of the year. When I am taking my flight to the moon this month, I will make sure to spend a little extra time soaking up that light!
Crystals for September:

Citrine Crystal:The citrine crystal gives you confidence, creativity and helps you inspire yourself and others! School has started for the year, and all of these things are very important while you are learning. You need to be confident in yourself and all your hardwork. Being creative can help you in art class or just playing with your friends. Finally, being inspired is important to keep yourself motivated and content. With all of this in mind, Citrine brings in new friends and laughter.

Topaz Crystal: The topaz crystal can provide you with happiness, joy and optimism. The autum equinox is a time of balance because the day and night are equal. We are the happiest when our life is balanced: we have alone time, we have time with family and friends, we spend time being active, we spend time sleeping, we spend time being creative, we spend time being challenged, etc. We should also be happy about all the things we have accomplished since the begging of the year and “harvest” those rewards.
Activity for September:

My favorite activity for this harvest moon, is the Potion Art for Kids Paint a Cat Kit. I can use my creativity to paint the cat however I want! When I mix up my potion, I will use all they joy and love I’ve harvested in my heart to put into my potion!
Hat for September:

My favorite hat to wear during September is my “Madelyn Teresa” Pink Witch Hat". It is inspired by the Good Witch of Salem’s eldest daughter and Mother Teresa. It represents artistic passion, which you need a lot of creativity for, a positive impact, and a vibrant, joyful and confident energy.
So, have a magical Harvest Full Moon, and don't forget to share your sparkles with the world! You can always share your magic with me at @goodwitchofsalem.
Magically Yours, The Good Witch of Salem